Aesthetic dentistry

An inseparable part of a person's appearance is their smile. However, there is no sincere, spontaneous smile without healthy and white teeth. It has not been known since today that this factor is very important in contacts with people, especially during business talks or negotiations.

For this reason, aesthetic dentistry has developed significantly in recent years, offering many opportunities to improve the appearance of your teeth. This is no longer just whitening, but also other treatments.

This branch of activity of our dental office in Gdansk is primarily concerned with the aim of maintaining healthy and visually attractive teeth without caries or other such imperfections. The only condition to be met before starting treatment in the field of aesthetic dentistry is full dental health. It must be free of cavities, caries, tartar, etc. This is also one of the ways to keep your own teeth in good condition until old age.

Therefore, before starting this type of treatment, all the losses must be made up and full health of the oral cavity must be achieved. In our Gdansk office we provide treatments in the field of conservative dentistry with the use of durable light-curing composites, which at the same time also contribute to the improvement of aesthetic conditions of the dentition.

After curing all the losses and other diseases of the oral cavity, it is possible to proceed to aesthetic treatments. During the initial consultation with the dentist, appropriate methods are selected to improve the appearance of teeth, adjusted to the individual needs and health condition of the patient. It additionally controls the condition of the dentition and oral cavity, if necessary by taking an X-ray. 

In our dental office in Gdańsk we carry out the following aesthetic dentistry procedures:


- scaling - this is a highly effective removal of tartar deposited on the surface of teeth due to improper oral hygiene; failure to remove the tartar may result in the lowering of the dental cervixes and, as a result, pain,

- polishing - a procedure most often performed after scaling, allowing the teeth to be cleaned of various deposits, deposits or discolourations; it is carried out with the use of special rubber brushes and a polishing paste selected according to the patient's individual needs, porcelain

- veneers - this is one of the fastest methods to improve the appearance of teeth; it consists in creating individual, porcelain overlays on individual teeth, which will change their appearance; the whole procedure starts with taking impressions of teeth and choosing the appropriate veneer colour; on the next visit the overlays are placed on the next before cementation, the teeth should be properly polished to enable the application of porcelain veneers,

- teeth whitening in the office - this method allows to obtain relatively quick effects in the form of changing the colour of teeth to lighter ones; it consists in protecting the gums, covering the teeth with special whitening gel and exposing them to the Beyond/Nitewhite lamp;

- teeth whitening at home - this is a slightly longer treatment, as it usually takes about 12 days; in order to start this kind of treatment, the patient reports to his/her dentist, who makes impressions of his/her teeth, which becomes the basis for creating individual overlays on individual dental arches; Then the patient receives a special gel with which he or she fills the overlays and puts them on overnight for the time indicated by the dentist,

- periodontal procedures - they are performed to prevent the cervixes from slipping, which in effect leads to parodontosis; depending on the condition of the patient's oral cavity, we perform over- and subgingival scaling, as well as open and closed curettage. After carrying out specific forms of treatment, one should be cautious with regard to meals consumed after the treatment. It is best to follow the so-called white diet for some time.

It is also extremely important to maintain proper oral hygiene, which will allow to maintain the effects obtained during the treatment for the longest time. In the case of most treatments, their effects depend primarily on taking care of proper cleaning of teeth and thus may last even several years.

In the case of aesthetic dentistry treatments, prices are determined on the basis of the patient's health condition, recommended treatment methods and their range. Each client of our office is informed about the costs connected with the chosen therapy.

Dental House                          
Zwirki i Wigury 2                    
80-463 Gdansk 

tel: (58) 340 96 93
(+48) 530 007 728
info (monkey)